A wildflower erupts through the concrete and tar covered roof of the Packard Plant, nature takes aim to reclaim its borrowed land (September, 2008). I shot this on a whim, during my second visit to the Packard. I was with a group of 2 other people, and they were proving difficult to keep up with (as groups tend to). I remember initially deciding not to waste time on this shot as I was trying to catch up with them. About 10 steps later I turned back for it. What resulted was nothing short of an obsession with plant life growing where it otherwise shouldn't. Every photo of mine that has a seedling growing out of a post, or a tree that has taken root in a factory floor spawns from this moment. In 2008, during the the absolute pit of the United States financials crisis, the unbiased will to live immediately struck a parallel with me in regards to the people of Detroit, and I've been unable to shake the concept ever since.
- Author
- Nicolas Boileau