Wildflowers flourish in large puddles caused by blocked drainage on the roof of the Packard Plant in Detroit. Ironically, the very water that permits their luxurious existence threatens the integrity of the structure that they reside on. Glory is not without its cost. This was a photo I had stalked for some time. The puddle was dependent on a big rainstorm, the light could only come on a relatively cloudless morning, as a large tower outside of the frame to the left would block the evening light, and the flower buds were intermittently disappearing as the season progressed. The golden hour came one morning, as it usually does, after a sleepless night when I was finally tired enough to fall asleep. I took a delirious look out the window as I was preparing to pass out and rolled my eyes with a sort of thankful disdain when I realized the conditions were what I had been waiting for. I stumbled out of my apartment in and up 10 flights of stairs to the roof where I was suddenly, if only temporarily energized. Realizing I was loosing light to a storm front rolling in from the East I worked quickly, eventually abandoning my comfort and kneeling in the musty puddle as to get a better low angle on the subjects. I shot until the light was gone, and eventually ended up drawing strange looks inside of a local fast food joint where I stopped for breakfast. My jeans were soaked, my hands were dirty, I carried the blank expression that follows a day without sleep and probably stank of stale water from an abandon factory. I did not draw any comments, I imagine the sum of these parts was too peculiar for people en-route to their 9-5.
- Author
- Nicolas Boileau