A renegade dock chair, presumably carried from the Detroit Boat Club to the nearby Belle Isle shore line during a violent storm, sits a midst a calm fog on the Detroit River while vacant docks chaotically linger in the background. I was very fortunate to capture this photograph, the initial idea came during an impromptu shoot in a flash fog the previous November. While shooting a very similar composition on that day, I was so excited about the the opportunity that I neglected to pay attention to my foreground focus and balked the capture. As fate would have it, nature gave me a second chance a few months later. The fog rolled in during the middle of a busy work day and I very tentatively left the office early with this shot in mind. Relieved to see that nothing had changed, I laid over the jagged rocks on the shore to achieve the required angle and I made absolutely sure everything clicked. I was further cherished this renewed opportunity when the docks in the background were removed later in the year, as the fog never returned to grant me a third pass.
- Author
- Nicolas Boileau