A thin fog drapes the Packard Plant in Detroit, November 2010. I generally prefer a very dense fog when I shoot, the kind that would have engulfed the water tower in the middle ground and left largely a blank canvas for anything beyond the subject. Had I not been itching to take some kind of photo I may have stayed in bed on this drizzly day-- a photo this drab in color and lighting generally wouldn't make this far into the public eye. However, on this cold November morning the fog did a peculiar thing, rather than obscuring bits of the factory, it isolated the structure from all surrounding trees and background giving a sense of scale to the complex that is otherwise hard to define. The shallow focus surrounding the lone column, combined with the fog and perpetually converging lines between the various floors combine to give the viewer the best sense of scale I've been able to convey without actually taking someone there in person.
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- Nicolas Boileau
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